Dr. Jonathan Guerrero Sánchez

- Centro de Nanociencias y Nanotecnología
- Departamento de Modelación de Nanomateriales
- Investigador Titular A
- guerrero@ens.cnyn.unam.mx
Atomic-scale modeling at surfaces, interfaces, and nanostructures
Research interests
Strong background in magnetic heterostructures, Heusler alloys, materials with complex magnetic arrangements, diluted magnetic semiconductors, and magnetic nanostructures.
Description of ligand-exchange reactions -triggered by a dangling bond- to understand the formation processes of an organic molecule-2D system.
Surface chemistry of ALD precursors on metallic and different 2d and 1d systems.
Reaction kinetics of the ALD processes.
Relevant publications
- Science 374, 1484-1487 (2021).
- ACS Appl. Energy Mater., 5, 2, 1801–1809 (2022).
- Applied Surface Science 597, 153514 (2022).
- Physical Review B 105, 235421 (2022).
- Simulaciones Computacionales, Licenciatura en Nanotecnología.
- Simulaciones Computacionales, Posgrado en Nanociencias.
- Teoría del Funcional de la Densidad.
- Duy Khanh Nguyen, Chu Viet Ha, Le T. Hong Gam, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, D. M. Hoat, First-principles study of indium nitride monolayers doped with alkaline earth metals, RSC Advances, 13 33634 (2023). Impact Factor 4.036, Q2 (Chemistry).
- Duy Khanh Nguyen, R Ponce-Pérez, J Guerrero-Sanchez, D M Hoat, Surface functionalization of graphene-like boron arsenide monolayer: a first-principles study, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 36 055001 (2023). Impact Factor 2.7, Q2 (Materials Science).
- Vo Van On, Chu Viet Ha, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, D. M. Hoat, First-Principles Study of the C- and Si-Doped Buckled Honeycomb PN Monolayer, 11 Oct 2023, https://doi.org/10.1002/adts.202300593, Impact Factor 3.3, Q1 (Modeling and Simulation).
- L.A. Alvarado-Leal, J. Guerrero-Sánchez,R. Ponce-Perez, Noboru Takeuchi, H.N. Fernández-Escamilla, E.G. Perez-Tijerina, Mn induces a 1x3 reconstruction in the ferromagnetic L21 Mn2FeGa (001) surface, Surfaces and Interfaces, 43 103532 (2023). Impact Factor 6.137, Q1 (Surfaces, coatings and films).
- R. Ponce-Perez, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, S.J. Gutierrez-Ojeda, H.N. Fernandez-Escamilla, D.M. Hoat, Ma.G. Moreno-Armenta, A candidate Exchange-biased vdW heterostructure base don Cr2NO2 and Cr2CF2 MXenes, Materials Today Electronics, 6 100059 (2023).
- Jonathan E. Rodriguez Hueso, Hugo Borbón-Nuñez, R. Ponce-Pérez, Hoat Do Minh, Noboru Takeuchi, Hugo Tiznado, Jonathan Guerrero-Sánchez, Atomic-scale study of the TiO2-GR nanohybrid formation by ALD: The effect of the gas phase precursor, Nanoscale Advances, 7 Sept 2023, https://doi.org/10.1039/D3NA00729D. Impact Factor: 4.7, Q1 (Materials Science).
- Bryan E. Arango Hoyos, H. Franco Osorio, E. K. Valencia Gómez, J. Guerrero Sánchez, A. P. Del Canto Palominos, Felipe A. Larrain, J. J. Prías Barragán, Exploring the capture and desorption of CO2 on graphene oxide foams supported by computational calculations, Nature Scientific Reports, 13, 14476 (2023). Impact Factor 4.997, Q1 (Multidisciplinary).
- J.M. Jacobo-Fernandez, C. Corona-Garcia, R. Ponce-Perez, H.A. Borbon-Nunez, Do Minh Hoat, A. Reyes-Serrato, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, Spin-Polarized Total-Energy Calculations on Designing Magnetic Single-Atom Catalysts on the ZnO(0001̅) Surface with Pt and Pd, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 1 September 2023, https://doi.org/10.1021/acsanm.3c02944. Impact Factor 5.9, Q1 (Materials Science).
- Huynh Anh Huy, Bao-Thien Nguyen-Tat, Duy Khanh Nguyen, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, D. M. Hoat, Point Defects in Buckled Honeycomb PAs Monolayer: A Systematic Study of Stability, Electronic, and Magnetic Properties, Advanced Theory and Simulations, Early view, https://doi.org/10.1002/adts.202300416, 17 August 2023. Impact Factor 3.3, Q1 (Modeling and Simulation).
- F.A. Hoyos-Ariza, J.J. Prias-Barragan, D.H. Galván, J. Guerrero-Sánchez, H. Ariza-Calderon, Graphene nanostructures functionalization: Hydrogen bonds and oxide coverage effect, Materials Today Communications, 36, 106861 (2023). Impact Factor 3.662, Q2 (Materials Chemistry).
- L.E. López-González, J. Guerrero-Sánchez, H. Tiznado, Soft removal of stearic acid self-assembled monolayer for area-selective atomic layer deposition, Surfaces and Interfaces, 41, 103298 (2023). Impact Factor 6.137, Q1 (Surfaces, coatings and films).
- Huynh Anh Huy, Duy Khanh Nguyen, Chu Viet Ha, Dang Duc Toan, Hang Nga Nguyen, J. Guerrero Sanchez, D. M. Hoat, Functionalization of an ionic honeycomb KF monolayer via doping, Nanoscale Advances, 5, 4480 (2023). Impact Factor: 4.7, Q1 (Materials Science).
- C. Belman-Rodriguez, R. Ponce-Perez, A.M. Reyes, C.A. Galindez-Jamioy, Gerardo Soto, Mario H. Farías, J. Guerrero-Sánchez, María G. Moreno-Armenta, A. Reyes-Serrato, Sergio A. Aguila, Experimental and theoretical assessment of the Eu3+ doped Bi4Ge3O12, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 966, 171567 (2023). Impact Factor: 6.371, Q1 (Materials Chemistry).
- Jose Mario Galicia Hernandez, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, R. Ponce-Perez, Noboru Takeuchi, Assessing the stability of Kagome D019-Mn3Ga (0001) surfaces: A first-principles study, Surfaces and Interfaces, 41, 103167 (2023). Impact Factor 6.137, Q1 (Surfaces, coatings and films).
- Luz Ramírez-Montes, María Guadalupe Moreno-Armenta, Jonathan Guerrero-Sánchez, Rodrigo Ponce-Pérez, Rafael González-Hernández, William López-Pérez, Tuning the electronic and thermoelectric properties of selenium monolayers through atomic impurities: A DFT study, Solid State Communications, 371, 115268 (2023). Impact Factor 2.1, Q2 (Chemistry).
- C. Dhital, R. L. Dally, R. Ruvalcaba, R. Gonzalez-Hernandez, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, H. B. Cao, Q. Zhang, W. Tian, Y. Wu, M. D. Frontzek, S. K. Karna, A. Meads, B. Wilson, R. Chapai, D. Graf, J. Bacsa, R. Jin, J. F. DiTusa, Multi-k magnetic structure and large anomalous Hall effect in candidate magnetic Weyl semimetal NdAlGe, Physical Review B, 107, 224414 (2023). Impact Factor 4.036, Q1 (Condensed Matter Physics).
- Chu Viet Ha, Bich Ngoc Nguyen Thi, Pham Quynh Trang, R. Ponce-Pérez, Vu Thi Kim Lien, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, D. M. Hoat, Semiconductor and topological phases in lateral heterostructures constructed from germanene and AsSb monolayers, RSC Advances, 13, 17968 (2023). Impact Factor 4.036, Q2 (Chemistry).
- Hector Noe Fernandez-Escamilla, Jose Israel Paez-Ornelas, Do Minh Hoat, Rafael Gonzalez-Hernandez, Noboru Takeuchi, Jonathan Guerrero-Sanchez, Eduardo Gerardo Perez-Tijerina, 2D MnC4: A Room-Temperature Antiferromagnetic System, Advanced Theory and Simulations, 6, 2300193 (2023). Impact Factor 3.3, Q1 (Modeling and Simulation).
- Huynh Anh Huy, Duy Khanh Nguyen, R. Ponce-Pérez, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, D.M. Hoat, Electronic and magnetic properties of SnC monolayer doped with 3d transition metals: A first-principles study, Materials Today Communications, 36, 106511 (2023). Impact Factor 3.662, Q2 (Materials Chemistry).
- Margaret M. Brown, Ricardo Ruvalcaba, Katherine M. Burzynsky, Derek Winner, Krishnamurthy Mahalinham, Venkata S. Puli, Ryan P. Laing, Tobin C. Muratore, Jeff L. Brown, Kurt G. Eyink, Said Eelhamri, Aldo H. Romero, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, Joseph P. Corbett, Amber Reed, Nucleation and quantum confinement of nano-platelet Bi2-Bi2Se3, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 41, 043406 (2023). Impact Factor 3.234, Q2 (Surfaces and Interfaces).
- T.A. Zepeda, R. Ponce-Pérez, A. Solis-Garcia, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, S. Fuentes, S.A. Gomez, Boosting oxygen activation in ceria-oxide via gallium addition, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 336, 122936 (2023). Impact Factor 24.319, Q1 (Catalysis).
- Sergio Castillo-Robles, R. Ponce-Pérez, J.I. Paez-Ornelas, D.M. Hoat, A. Reyes-Serrato, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, Furfural adsorption on the g-C3N4 monolayer: a DFT analysis, Materials Today Communications, 35, 106288 (2023). Impact Factor 3.662, Q2 (Materials Chemistry).
- Chu Viet Ha, L.T. Ha, Do Thi Hue, Duy Khanh Nguyen, Dang Tuan Anh, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, D. M. Hoat, First-principles study of SiC and GeC monolayers with adsorbed non-metal atoms, RSC Advances, 13, 14879 (2023). Impact Factor 4.036, Q2 (Chemistry).
- H.N. Fernández-Escamilla, J.I. Paez-Ornelas, C.D. Gutiérrez-Lazos, F.J. Solís-Pomar, J. Guerrero-Sánchez*, E.G. Pérez-Tijerina, Bismuth and oxygen vacancies induce (2 × 1) reconstructions in bismuth oxyhalide (BiOX, X = Cl, Br, I) (0 0 1) surfaces, Applied Surface Science, 618, 156583 (2023). Impact Factor 7.392, Q1 (Physics and Astronomy).
- R. Ponce-Pérez, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, D.M. Hoat, Half-metallic and magnetic semiconductor behavior in CdO monolayer induced by acceptor impurities, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Advance Article (2023). Impact Factor 3.945, Q1 (Physical and Theoretical Chemistry).
- Chu Viet Ha, Bich Ngoc Nguyen Thi, Pham Quynh Trang, R. Ponce-Pérez, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, D. M. Hoat, Novel germanene–arsenene and germanene–antimonene lateral heterostructures: interline-dependent electronic and magnetic properties, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Advance Article (2023). Impact Factor 3.945, Q1 (Physical and Theoretical Chemistry).
- Duy Khanh Nguyen, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, D.M. Hoat, HfXO (X = S and Se) Janus monolayers as promising two-dimensional platforms for optoelectronic and spintronic applications, Journal of Materials Research, (2023). Impact Factor 2.909, Q2 (Materials Science).
- Vo Van On, Huynh Thi Phuong Thuy, Hoang Van Ngoc, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, D.M. Hoat, ZrSe2-HfSe2 lateral heterostructures: stability, fundamental properties, and interline defects, Applied Physics A, 129, 259 (2023). Impact Factor 2.983, Q2 (Materials Science).
- Ricardo Ruvalcaba, D.M. Hoat, J.P. Corbett, J. Guerrero-Sanchez*, First principles characterization of C-doped magnetically-enhanced D022-Mn3Ga surfaces, Computational Materials Science, 220, 112027 (2023). Impact Factor 3.572, Q2 (Physics and Astronomy).
- Vo Van On, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, D.M. Hoat, Tuning the electronic and magnetic properties of MgO monolayer by nonmetal doping: A first-principles investigation, Materials Today Communications, 34, 105422 (2023). Impact Factor 3.662, Q2 (Materials Chemistry).
- Ma. Guadalupe Moreno-Armenta, J. Guerrero-Sánchez, S.J. Gutiérrez-Ojeda, H.N. Fernández-Escamilla, D.M. Hoat, R. Ponce-Pérez, Theoretical investigation of the MXene precursors MoxV4-xAlC3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 4), Scientific Reports, 13, 3271 (2023). Impact Factor 4.997, Q1 (Multidisciplinary).
- Erika Camarillo-Salazar, Reyes Garcia-Diaz, María Teresa Romero de la Cruz, Yuliana Avila-Alvarado, H. N. Fernandez-Escamilla, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, Gregorio Hernández Cocoletzi, Ab initio study of the adsorption of SO2 on single-atom Cu-decorated ZnO(0001) surface, Journal of Molecular Modeling, 29, 72 (2023). Impact Factor 2.172, Q3 (Physical and Theoretical Chemistry).
- Duy Khanh Nguyen, To Vinh Bao, Nguyen Anh Kha, R. Ponce-Pérez, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, D. M. Hoat, Searching for d0 spintronic materials: bismuthene monolayer doped with IVA-group atoms, RSC Advances, 13, 5885 (2023). Impact Factor 4.036, Q2 (Chemistry).
- Vo Van On, J.F. Rivas-Silva, Gregorio H. Cocoletzi, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, D.M. Hoat, Feature-rich electronic and magnetic properties in silicene monolayer induced by nitrogenation: A first-principles study, Chemical Physics, 568, 111844 (2023). Impact Factor 2.552, Q2 (Physical and Theoretical Chemistry).
- Tuan V. Vu, Duy Khanh Nguyen, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, D.M. Hoat, First-principles prediction of 1H-Na2Se monolayer: effects of external strain and point defects associated with constituent atoms, Physica Scripta, 98, 025805 (2023). Impact Factor 3.081, Q1 (Physics and Astronomy).
- Chu Viet Ha, Duy Khanh Nguyen, Dang Tuan Anh, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, D.M. Hoat, Novel electronic and magnetic features in XC (X = Si and Ge) monolayers induced by doping with group-VA atoms, New Journal of Chemistry, 47, 2787 (2023). Impact Factor 3.925, Q2 (Materials Chemistry).
- Jose Mario Galicia Hernandez, H.N. Fernandez-Escamilla, J. Guerrero Sanchez*, Noboru Takeuchi, Electronic and optical properties of the buckled and puckered phases of phosphorene and arsenene, Scientific Reports, 12, 20979 (2022). Impact Factor 4.997, Q1 (Multidisciplinary).
- Vo Van On, Hoang Van Ngoc, Huynh Thi Phuong Thuy, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, D.M. Hoat, An investigation on the stability, electronic, and optical properties of new MoSO–WSO lateral heterostructures, Applied Surface Science, 613, 155980 (2023). Impact Factor 7.392, Q1 (Physics and Astronomy).
- Duy Khanh Nguyen, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, Do Minh Hoat, Exploring the ZrXO (X = S and Se) Janus Monolayers for Optoelectronic and Spintronic Applications, Physica Status Solidi rapid research letters, 17, 2200427 (2023). Impact Factor 3.277, Q2 (Materials Science).
- L.G. Villarreal-Franco, H.N. Fernandez-Escamilla, J.I. Paez-Ornelas, R. Ponce-Perez, J.J. Quijano-Briones, E.G. Perez-Tijerina, Noboru Takeuchi, J. Guerrero-Sánchez, Evaluating the detection and trapping of small gas molecules on hydrogenated siligene, Physica Scripta, 97, 125828 (2022). Impact Factor 3.081, Q1 (Physics and Astronomy).
- Duy Khanh Nguyen, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, J.F. Rivas-Silva, Tuan V. Vu, Gregorio H. Cocoletzi, D.M. Hoat, Chemical functionalization of low-buckled SiGe monolayer: Effects on the electronic and magnetic properties, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 150, 106949 (2022). Impact Factor 4.644, Q1 (Mechanical Engineering).
- Duy Khanh Nguyen, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, D. M. Hoat, Introducing the 1H-Na2S monolayer as a new direct gap semiconductor with feature-rich electronic and magnetic properties, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 24, 27505 (2022). Impact Factor 3.945, Q1 (Physical and Theoretical Chemistry).
- J.P. Corbett, Keng-Yuan Meng, Jacob Repicky, Reyes Garcia-Diaz, James Rowland, Adam Ahmed, Noboru Takeuchi, J. Guerrero-Sánchez, Fengyuan Yang, Jay Gupta Spin polarized STM imaging of nanoscale Néel Skyrmions in an SrIrO3/SrRuO3 Perovskite Bilayer, Applied Surface Science, 599, 153766 (2022). Impact Factor 7.392, Q1 (Surfaces, Coatings and Films, Physics and Astronomy).
- Vo Van On, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, R. Ponce-Perez, Tuan V. Vu, J.F. Rivas-Silva, G.H. Cocoletzi, D.M. Hoat, Defective and doped MgO monolayer as promising 2D materials for optoelectronic and spintronic applications, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 149, 106876 (2022). Impact Factor 4.644, Q1 (Mechanical Engineering).
- Valeria Ríos-Vargas, Rodrigo Ponce-Pérez, María G Moreno-Armenta, Jonathan Guerrero-Sánchez*, Cr2Ge2Te6 nanoribbons with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy and half metallicity: a DFT study, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 55, 485003 (2022). Impact Factor 3.409, Q1 (Surfaces, Coatings and Films).
- S.J. Gutierrez-Ojeda, R. Ponce-Perez, D. Maldonado-Lopez, Do Minh Hoat, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, Ma. Guadalupe Moreno-Armenta, Strain Effects on the Two-Dimensional Cr2N MXene: An Ab Initio Study, ACS Omega, 7, 38, 33884–33894 (2022). Impact Factor 4.132, Q1 (Chemical Engineering).
- R. Ponce-Perez, María G. Moreno-Armenta, J. Guerrero-Sánchez, Selective incorporation of Fe and Co into the Ni2MnGa (001) surfaces: a DFT analysis, Surfaces and interfaces, 34, 102367 (2022). Impact Factor 6.137, Q1 (Surfaces, coatings and films).
- H.N. Fernandez-Escamilla, Noboru Takeuchi, E.G. Perez-Tijerina, J. Guerrero-Sánchez, Pt2MnGa (001) surface stability and its effect on the magnetic and electronic properties: A DFT study, Materials today communications, 33, 104467 (2022). Impact Factor 3.662, Q2 (Materials Science).
- Tuan V. Vu, Duy Khanh Nguyen, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, J.F. Rivas-Silva, G.H. Cocoletzi, D.M. Hoat, A new family of NaTMGe (TM=3d transition metals) half-Heusler compounds: the role of TM modification, RSC Advances, 12, 26418-26427 (2022). Impact Factor 4.036, Q1 (Chemical Engineering).
- Phuong Thuy Bui, Duy Khanh Nguyen, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, D.M.Hoat, Exploration of new direct gap semiconductor Na2X (X = S and Se) monolayers, Applied Surface Science, 606, 154809 (2022). Impact Factor 7.392, Q1 (Surfaces, Coatings and Films, Physics and Astronomy).
- Jassiel R. Rodriguez Barreras, Carlos Belman, Sandra B. Aguirre, Andrey Simakov, Sergio A. Aguila, R. Ponce-Perez, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, Ma. Guadalupe Moreno Armenta, Daniel Sauceda, Vilas G. Pol, Reversible Li-ion Storage in h-Bi2Ge3O9-Based Anode: Experimental and DFT Studies, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 923, 15, 116804 (2022). Impact Factor 4.598, Q1 (Chemical Engineering).
- Vu Thi Kim Lien, Vo Van On, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, J.F. Rivas-Silva, Gregorio H. Cocoletzi, D. M. Hoat, Theoretical prediction of alkali oxide M2O (M = Na and K) monolayers and formation of their Janus structure, New Journal of Chemistry, 46, 17386-17393 (2022). Impact Factor 3.925, Q1 (Materials Chemistry).
- Zihao Wang, H.N. Fernandez-Escamilla, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, Noboru Takeuchi, Francisco Zaera, Adsorption and Reactivity of Chiral Modifiers in Heterogeneous Catalysis: 1-(1-Naphthyl)ethylamine (1-NEA) on Pt Surfaces, ACS Catalysis, 12, 17, 10514–10521 (2022). Impact Factor 13.700, Q1 (Catalysis).
- Erika Camarillo-Salazar, Reyes Garcia-Diaz, Yuliana Avila-Alvarado, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, G.H. Cocoletzi, Maria Teresa Romero de la Cruz, Efficient NO2 removal induced by transition-metal doped and co-doped graphene: an ab-initio study, Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 1214, 113782 (2022). Impact Factor 2.292, Q3 (Physical and Theoretical Chemistry).
- M.A. Rodriguez-Olguin, C. Flox, R. Ponce-Perez, R. Lipin, F. Ruiz-Zepeda, J.P. Winczewski, T. Kallio, M. Vandichel, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, J.G.E. Gardeniers, N. Takeuchi, A. Susarrey-Arce, Chlorine in NiO Promotes Electroreduction of CO2 to Formate, Applied Materials Today, 28, 101528, (2022). Impact Factor 8.663, Q1 (Materials Science).
- L.E. López-González, R. Ponce-Pérez, N. Takeuchi, H. Tiznado, J. Guerrero-Sánchez*, Adsorption of sorbitan ester surfactant on copper and Cuprous oxide surfaces: A density functional theory study, Applied Surface Science, 589, 153061, 2022. Impact Factor 7.392, Q1 (Surfaces, Coatings and Films, Physics and Astronomy).
- Vo Van On, Chu Viet Ha, Dang Tuan Anh, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, D.M. Hoat, Designing doping strategy in arsenene monolayer for spintronic and optoelectronic applications: A case study of germanium and nitrogen as dopants, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter., 34, 355301, (2022). Impact Factor 2.745, Q2 (Condensed Matter Physics).
- Isaac Soltero, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, Francisco Mireles, David Ruiz-Tijerina, Moiré band structures of twisted phosphorene bilayers, Phys. Rev. B 105, 235421 (2022). Impact Factor 4.036, Q1 (Condensed Matter Physics).
- Duy Khanh Nguyen, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, Tuan V. Vu, R. Ponce-Perez, D.M. Hoat, Electronic and magnetic properties of the WSO Janus monolayer engineered by intrinsic effects, Surfaces and Interfaces, 32, 102114, (2022). Impact Factor 6.137, Q1 (Surfaces, coatings and films).
- Duy Khanh Nguyen, To Vinh Bao, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, D.M.Hoat, Modifying electronic and magnetic properties of the β-Sb monolayer by doping with III-, IV-, and V-group atoms, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, Available online 24 may 2022, 115315. Impact Factor 3.369, Q2 (Nanoscience and Nanotechnology).
- J. Guerrero-Sanchez*, Dalia M. Muñoz-Pizza, Ma. Guadalupe Moreno Armenta, Noboru Takeuchi, Atomic-scale understanding of the Na and Cl trapping on the Mo1.33C(OH)2 -MXene, Nature Scientific Reports, 12;8340, 1, 2022, Impact Factor 4.996, Q1 (Multidisciplinary).
- Ricardo Ruvalcaba, Joseph P. Corbett, J. Guerrero-Sanchez*, Cu atoms induce a new reconstruction in the MnGa(001) surface: An ab-initio study, Applied Surface Science, 597, 153514, 2022. Impact Factor 7.392, Q1 (Surfaces, Coatings and Films, Physics and Astronomy).
- A. Tellez-Mora, H.N. Fernandez-Escamilla, R. Ponce-Perez, Noboru Takeuchi, J. Guerrero-Sánchez*, Controlling the magnetic alignment at the MnGa/Co2MnSi interface: a DFT study, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 547, 168936, 2022. Impact Factor 2.993, Q2 (Condensed Matter Physics).
- Vo Van On, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, R. Ponce-Pérez, D.M. Hoat, Study of vacancy, voids, atom adsorption and domain substitution in hexagonal gallium nitride monolayer, Surfaces and Interfaces, 30, 101898, 2022. Impact Factor 6.132, Q1 (Surfaces, Coatings and Films).
- Axel M Gaona Carranza, Reyes Garcia Diaz, D M Hoat, Jesús M Siqueiros, J. Guerrero-Sanchez*, Predicting the stability and electronic structure of alkali metal aurides, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 34, 235901, 2022. Impact Factor 2.745, Q1 (Materials Science).
- Gustavo Cuba-Supanta, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, J. Rojas-Tapia, C.V. Landauro, C. Rojas-Ayala, NoboruTakeuchi, An atomistic study on the structural and thermodynamic properties of Al–Fe bimetallic nanoparticles during melting and solidification: The role of size and composition, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 282, 125936, 2022. Impact Factor 4.094, Q2 (Materials Science).
- J.M. Galicia-Hernandez, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, R. Ponce-Perez, H.N. Fernandez-Escamilla, Gregorio H. Cocoletzi, NoboruTakeuchi, Self-energy corrected band-gap tuning induced by strain in the hexagonal boron phosphide monolayer, Computational Materials Science, 203, 111144, 2022. Impact Factor 3.572, Q1 (Physics and Astronomy).
- D. Maldonado-Lopez, J.R. Rodriguez, V.G. Pol, R. Syamsai, N.G. Andrews, S.J. Gutierrez-Ojeda, R. Ponce-Perez, Ma G. Moreno-Armenta, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, Atomic-Scale Understanding of Li Storage Processes in the Ti4C3 and Chemically Ordered Ti2Ta2C3 MXenes: A Theoretical and Experimental Assessment, ACS Appl. Energy Mater., https://doi.org/10.1021/acsaem.1c03239. Impact Factor 6.959, Q1 (Materials Chemistry).
- Vo Van On, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, D M Hoat, Controlling magnetic-semiconductor properties of the Si- and Al-doped blue phosphorene monolayer, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 55 165302, 2022. Impact Factor 3.409, Q1 (Condensed Matter Physcis).
- Vo Van On, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, R. Ponce-Pérez, J.F. Rivas-Silva, Gregorio H. Cocoletzi, D.M. Hoat, First-principles investigation of the (HfSe2)4−n–(HfSSe)n (n = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4) lateral heterostructures, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 122, e26857, 2022. Impact Factor 2.437 Q2 (Condensed Matter Physics).
- Vo Van On, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, R. Ponce-Pérez, J.F. Rivas-Silva, Gregorio H. Cocoletzi, D. M. Hoat, Ferromagnetic half-metallicity of the cubic NaMgO3 perovskite: from bulk to (001) surfaces, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 24, 2209-2218, 2022. Impact Factor 3.945, Q1 (Physical and Theoretical Chemistry).
- J. Repicky, Po-Kuan Wu, Tao Liu, J.P. Corbett, T. Zhu, S. Cheng, A. S. Ahmed, N. Takeuchi, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, M. Randeria, R.K. Kawakami, J.A. Gupta, Atomic-scale visualization of topological spin textures in the chiral magnet MnGe, Science, 374, 1484-1487, 2021. Impact Factor 47.73, Q1 (Multidisciplinary).
- Duy Khanh Nguyen, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, Vo Van On, J.F. Rivas-Silva, R. Ponce-Pérez, Gregorio H. Cocoletzi, and D.M. Hoat, Tuning MoSO monolayer properties for optoelectronic and spintronic applications: effect of external strain, vacancies and doping, RSC Advances, 11, 35614-35623 (2021). Impact Factor 4.036, Q1 (Chemical engineering).
- A. Arroyo Escareño, J.I. Paez-Ornelas, J. Guerrero-Sánchez, Aidé Sáenz-Galindo, Reyes Garcia-Diaz, Carlos Gallardo-Vega, Raul Ochoa-Valiente, María Teresa Romero de la Cruz*, Adsorption of acetic acid and benzoic acid on pristine and defect containing graphene: A DFT study, Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 1207, 113504 (2022). Impact Factor 2.292, Q3 (Condensed Matter Physics, Physical and Theoretical Chemistry).
- Rodrigo Ponce-Pérez*, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, Sandra J. Gutierrez-Ojeda, and María G. Moreno-Armenta, Oxygen Coverage Effect on the Magnetic Properties of the Cr2NOx (0 ≤ x ≤ 2) MXene, ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 2021. Impact Factor: 4.494, Q1 (Surfaces and Interfaces, Surfaces, Coatings and Films).
- J. I. Paez-Ornelas, R. Ponce-Pérez, H.N. Fernández-Escamilla, D.M. Hoat, E.A. Murillo-Bracamontes, María G. Moreno-Armenta, Donald H. Galván, J. Guerrero-Sánchez*, The effect of shape and size in the stability of triangular Janus MoSSe quantum dots, Nature Scientific Reports, 11, 21061 (2021). Impact Factor: 4.996. Q1 (Multidisciplinary).
- On Von Van, Khanh Nguyen Duy, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, Do Minh Hoat*, Exploring the electronic band gap of Janus MoSeO and WSeO monolayers and their heterostructures, New J. Chem., 2021, Advance Article, 12 Oct 2021. Impact Factor: 3.925, Q1 (Materials Chemistry).
- Bo Chen, Rodrigo Ponce, J. Guerrero-Sánchez, Noboru Takeuchi, and Francisco Zaera*, Cinnamaldehyde adsorption and thermal decomposition on copper surfaces, Journal Vacuum Science and Technology A, 39, 053205 (2021). Impact Factor: 1.761. Q2 (Condensed Matter Physics).
- D.M. Hoat*, Duy Khanh Nguyen, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, R. Ponce-Perez, Vo Van On, J.F. Rivas-Silva, Gregorio H. Cocoletzi, Engineering the electronic and magnetic properties of nitrogene monolayer and bilayer by doping: A first-principles study, Applied Surface Science, 566 (2021) 150711. Impact Factor: 7.392, Q1 (Surfaces and Interfaces, Surfaces, Coatings and Films).
- S.J. Gutierrez-Ojeda, R. Ponce-Perez*, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, R. García-Diaz, F. Sanchez-Ochoa, Ma. Guadalupe Moreno Armenta, Gregorio H. Cocoletzi, Modeling the half-metallicity of the CrN/GaN (1 1 1) heterostructure, Applied Surface Science, 566 (2021) 150637. Impact Factor: 7.392, Q1 (Surfaces and Interfaces, Surfaces, Coatings and Films).
- R. Ponce‑Pérez, S.J. Gutierrez‑Ojeda, J. Guerrero‑Sanchez*, María G. Moreno‑Armenta, A new family of copper‑based Mxenes, Nature Scientific Reports, (2021) 11:12393. Impact Factor: 4.996. Q1 (Multidisciplinary).
- D.M. Hoat*, Duy Khanh Nguyen, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, R. Ponce-Perez, J.F. Rivas Silva, Vo Van On, and Gregorio H. Cocoletzi, Nitrogen doping and oxygen vacancy effects on the fundamental properties of BeO monolayer: a DFT study, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 33 (2021) 325305. Impact Factor: 2.745, Q1 (Materials Science, Condensed Matter Physics).
- J.I. Paez-Ornelas, R. Ponce-Perez, H.N. Fernández-Escamilla, E. Murillo- Bracamontes, H. A. Borbón-Nunez, Joseph P. Corbett, Ma Guadalupe Moreno Armenta, J. Guerrero-Sánchez*, Understanding the Role of Oxygen Vacancies in the Stability of ZnO(0001)-(1 × 3) Surface Reconstructions, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 125, 14, (2021) 7980-7989. Impact Factor: 4.536, Q1 (Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, Surfaces, Coatings and Films).
- Mindika Tilan Nayakasinghe, J. Guerrero-Sánchez, Noboru Takeuchi, Francisco Zaera*, Adsorption of crotonaldehyde on metal surfaces: Cu vs Pt, J. Chem. Phys., 154 (2021) 104701. Impact Factor: 3.488, Q1 (Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy).
- Ricardo Ruvalcaba, Joseph P. Corbett, Andrada-Oana Mandru, Noboru Takeuchi, Arthur R. Smith, J. Guerrero-Sanchez*, Surface structures of magnetostrictive D03-Fe3Ga(001), Applied Surface Science, 553 (2021) 149488. Impact Factor: 7.392, Q1 (Surfaces and Interfaces, Surfaces, Coatings and Films).
- D.M. Hoat*, Duy Khanh Nguyen, R. Ponce-Pérez, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, Vo Van On, J.F. Rivas-Silva, Gregorio H. Cocoletzi, Opening the germanene monolayer band gap using halogen atoms: An efficient approach studied by first-principles calculations, Applied Surface Science, 551 (2021) 149318. Impact Factor: 7.392, Q1 (Surfaces and Interfaces, Surfaces, Coatings and Films).
- D. Maldonado-Lopez, Noboru Takeuchi, J. Guerrero-Sanchez*, Understanding the Noncollinear Antiferromagnetic IrMn3 Surfaces and Their Exchange-Biased Heterostructures from First-Principles, ACS Appl. Electron. Mater., 3 (2021) 1086−1096. Impact Factor: 4.494., Q1 (Surfaces and Interfaces, Surfaces, Coatings and Films).
- Jose Mario Galicia Hernandez*, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, Hector Noe Fernandez Escamilla, Gregorio Hernandez-Cocoletzi, Noboru Takeuchi, First-principle studies of the strain-induced band-gap tuning in black phosphorene, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 33 (2021) 175502. Impact Factor: 2.745, Q1 (Materials Science, Condensed Matter Physics).
- J.I. Paez-Ornelas, H.N. Fernández-Escamilla, H.A. Borbón-Nuñez, H. Tiznado, Noboru Takeuchi, J. Guerrero-Sánchez*, A first-principles study of the atomic layer deposition of ZnO on carboxyl functionalized carbon nanotubes: the role of water molecules, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 23 (2021) 3467-3478. Impact Factor: 3.945, Q1 (Physical and Theoretical Chemistry).
- Joel Antúnez-García*, Donald H. Galvan, J. Guerrero-Sánchez, F.N. Murrieta-Rico, R.I. Yocupicio-Gaxiola, S. Fuentes-Moyado, Analytical solution to Scholte’s secular equation for isotropic elastic media, Revista Mexicana de Fisica, 67(1) (2021) 54. Impact Factor: 0.527, Q4 (Physics and Astronomy).
- Hector Noe Fernandez‐Escamilla, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, Enrique Contreras, Jose Manuel Ruiz‐Marizcal, Gabriel Alonso‐Nunez, Oscar E Contreras, Rosa María Felix‐Navarro, Jose M Romo‐Herrera*, Noboru Takeuchi, Understanding the Selectivity of the Oxygen Reduction Reaction at the Atomistic Level on Nitrogen‐Doped Graphitic Carbon Materials, Adv. Energy Mater, 2002459 (2020) 1-12. Impact Factor: 29.700, Q1 (Materials Science).
- S.J. Gutiérrez-Ojeda, R.C.de Oliveira, H.N. Fernández-Escamilla, R. Ponce-Pérez, J. Guerrero-Sánchez*, D.H. Mosca, Gregorio H. Cocoletzi, J. Varalda, Mn5Ge3 ultra-thin films on GaAs (111)B substrates: Influence of initial growth conditions, Superlattices and Microstructures, 148 (2020) 106745. Impact Factor: 2.123, Q2 (Materials Science).
- Onam Munive Hernandez, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, R. Ponce-Perez*, Reyes García Díaz, H.N. Fernandez-Escamilla, Gregorio H. Cocoletzi, Hexagonal boron phosphide monolayer exfoliation induced by arsenic incorporation in the BP (111) surface: A DFT study, Applied Surface Science, 538 (2021) 148163. Impact Factor: 7.392, Q1 (Surfaces, Coatings and Films).
- Gustavo Cuba-Supanta, H. N. Fernández-Escamilla, J. Guerrero-Sanchez*, J. Rojas-Tapia, and Noboru Takeuchi, Structural properties and thermal stability of multi-walled black phosphorene nanotubes and their operation as temperature driven nanorotors, Nanoscale, 12 (2020) 18313-18321, Impact Factor: 8.307, Q1 (Nanoscience and Nanotechnology)
- Etienne Palos, Armando Reyes-Serrato, Gabriel Alonso-Nuñez, and J. Guerrero Sánchez*, Modeling the ternary chalcogenide Na2MoSe4 from first-principles, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 33 (2020) 025501. Impact Factor: 2.745, Q1 (Condensed Matter Physics).
- Gunjan Srineta, Subhash Sharma, J. Guerrero-Sanchez*, Reyes Garcia-Diaz, Rodrigo Ponce-Perez, J.M.Siqueiros, O.Raymond Herrera, Room-temperature ferromagnetism on ZnO nanoparticles doped with Cr: An experimental and theoretical analysis, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 849 (2020) 156587. Impact Factor: 6.371, Q1 (Materials Chemistry).
- J.I. Paez-Ornelas, H.N. Fernández-Escamilla, Noboru Takeuchi, J. Guerrero- Sánchez*, Adsorption and diffusion mechanisms of silver ad-atoms on Ag and Cu (110) surfaces: a first principles study, Materials Today Communications, 25 (2020) 101461. Impact Factor: 3.662, Q2 (Materials Chemistry).
- Noboru Takeuchi, Emiliano Ventura-Macias, J. Guerrero-Sánchez, Francisco Zaera*, Density Functional Theory Study of the Adsorption and Dissociation of Copper(I) Acetamidinates on Ni(110): The Effect of the Substrate, J. Phys. Chem. C, 124, 28 (2020) 15366–15376. Impact Factor: 4.536, Q1 (Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, Surfaces, Coatings and Films).
- L. A. Alvarado-Leal, E. Martínez-Guerra, H.N. Fernandez-Escamilla, J. Guerrero-Sánchez*, Noboru Takeuchi, Aldehyde trapping by self-propagating atom-exchange reactions on a gallium nitride monolayer: role of the molecule complexity, New J. Chem., 44 (2020) 12843, Advance Article. Impact Factor: 3.925, Q1 (Materials Chemistry).
- J. Guerrero-Sánchez, H.A. Borbon-Nunez, H. Tiznado, Noboru Takeuchi, Understanding the first half-ALD cycle of the ZnO growth on hydroxyl functionalized carbon nanotubes, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2020. Impact Factor: 3.567. Q1 (Physical and Theoretical Chemistry).
- Ma Guadalupe Moreno-Armenta, J.P. Corbett, R.Ponce-Perez, J.Guerrero-Sanchez, A DFT study on the austenitic Ni2MnGa (001) surfaces, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 836 (2020) 155447. Impact Factor: 4.175, Q1 (Metals and Alloys).
- J.J. Quijano-Briones*, H.N. Fernández-Escamilla, J Guerrero-Sánchez, E Martínez-Guerra, Noboru Takeuchi, The effect of strain on the structural and dynamical stability of hydrogenated penta-C2Ge: a density functional theory study, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 53 (2020) 335101. Impact Factor: 3.409, Q1 (Condensed Matter Physics).
- R. Ponce-Pérez, M.T.R. de la Cruz, J. Guerrero-Sánchez, Y.E.Á. Alvarado, D.M. Hoat, Ma. Guadalupe Moreno-Armenta, Gregorio H. Cocoletzi, Half-metal effect on the MnAs/InP (0 0 1)-(2 × 4) interface, Computational Materials Science, 175, (2020), 109603, Impact Factor: 2.644, Q1 (Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy).
- Y. Cao, J. Guerrero-Sańchez, I. Lee, X. Zhou, N. Takeuchi, F. Zaera, Kinetic Study of the Hydrogenation of Unsaturated Aldehydes Promoted by CuPtx/SBA-15 Single-Atom Alloy (SAA) Catalysts, ACS Catalysis, 10, (2020), 3431-3443, Impact Factor: 12.221, Q1 (Catalysis, Chemistry).
- J.P. Corbett, T. Zhu, A.S. Ahmed, S.J. Tjung, J.J. Repicky, T. Takeuchi, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, N. Takeuchi, R.K. Kawakami, Jay A. Gupta, Determining Surface Terminations and Chirality of Noncentrosymmetric FeGe Thin Films via Scanning Tunneling Microscopy, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12 (8), (2020), 9896-9901, Impact Factor: 8.456, Q1 (Nanoscience and Nanotechnology).
- L.A. Alvarado-Leal, H.N. Fernandez-Escamilla, J. Guerrero-Sánchez, E. Martinez-Guerra, N. Takeuchi, Formaldehyde adsorption on a hydrogenated gallium nitride monolayer: A density functional theory study, Applied Surface Science, 506, (2020), 144944, Impact Factor: 5.155, Q1 (Surfaces, Coatings and Films).
- J.R. Rodriguez, Z. Qi, H. Wang, M.Y. Shalaginov, C. Goncalves, M. Kang, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, Ma. Guadalupe Moreno-Armenta, Vilas G. Pol, Ge2Sb2Se5 Glass as High-capacity Promising Lithium-ion Battery Anode, Nano Energy, 68, (2020), 104326. Impact Factor: 15.548, Q1 (Materials Science).
- J. Guerrero-Sánchez, Bo Chen, Noboru Takeuchi, Francisco Zaera, Role of oligomer structures in the surface chemistry of amidinate metal complexes used for atomic layer deposition of thin films, Journal of Materials Research, (2020) 1-12. Impact Factor: 1.495. Q2 (Materials Science).
- Alejandro Noguerón, H.N. Fernández-Escamilla, J. Guerrero-Sánchez*, Noboru Takeuchi, Structural, Electronic, and Magnetic Properties of the CoGa (001) Surface and the L10 MnGa/CoGa interface: A Density Functional Theory Study, Applied Surface Science, (2020) 144332. Impact Factor: 5.155, Q1 (Surfaces, Coatings and Films).
- Erika Camarillo-Salazar, Reyes Garcia-Diaz, Yuliana Avila-Alvarado, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, María Teresa Romero de la Cruz, Gregorio Hernández Cocoletzi, Ab initio study of the adsorption and dissociation of NO2 on pristine and Cu decorated ZnO (0001)-3× 3, Applied Surface Science, 500 (2019) 144031. Impact Factor: 5.155, Q1 (Surfaces, Coatings and Films).
- R. Ponce-Pérez, M.T. Romero de la Cruz, S.J. Gutiérrez-Ojeda, J. Guerrero-Sánchez, J.Varalda, Gregorio H.Cocoletzi, Initial stages of the epitaxial growth of MnN on the GaAs (001)-(2 × 2) surface: First-principle study, Applied Surface Science, 489 (2019) 639-647. Impact Factor: 5.155, Q1 (Surfaces, Coatings and Films).
- J.J. Quijano-Briones, H.N. Fernández-Escamilla, J. Guerrero-Sánchez, E. Martínez-Guerra, Noboru Takeuchi, Structural transition induced by compression and stretching of puckered arsenene nanotubes, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 21 (2019) 22467-22474. Impact Factor: 3.567. Q1 (Physical and Theoretical Chemistry).
- Y. Cao, B. Chen, J. Guerrero-Sánchez, I. Lee, X. Zhou, Noboru Takeuchi, Francisco Zaera, Controlling Selectivity in Unsaturated Aldehyde Hydrogenation Using Single-Site Alloy Catalysts, ACS Catalysis, 9 (2019) 9150-9157. Impact Factor: 12.221. Q1 (Catalysis, Chemistry).
- H.N. Fernández-Escamilla, J. Guerrero-Sánchez, E. Martínez-Guerra, N. Takeuchi, Adsorption and dissociation of NO2 on silicene, Applied Surface Science 498 (2019) 143854. Impact Factor: 5.155, Q1 (Surfaces, Coatings and Films).
- F. Herrera-Rodríguez, E. Martínez-Aguilar, J. Guerrero-Sánchez, J.A. Rodríguez, M.G. Moreno-Armenta, Oxygen adsorption on Graphene/GaN (0001) surface: A first-principles study, Surface Science, 690 (2019) 121481. Impact Factor: 1.849, Q1 (Materials Chemistry).
- H.N. Fernández-Escamilla, J.J. Quijano-Briones, J. Guerrero-Sánchez, E. Martínez-Guerra, Noboru Takeuchi, Puckered arsenene single-walled nanotubes: Stability, geometry, and electronic properties, Computational Materials Science, 169 (2019) 109108. Impact Factor: 2.644, Q1 (Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy).
- S.J.Gutierrez-Ojeda, J.Guerrero-Sanchez*, R.Ponce-Perez, J. Varalda, D.H. Mosca, Morales de la Garza L., H.Cocoletzi Gregorio, Manganese-germanium nanostructure formation on the GaAs(111)–(1×1)A surface: Stability and magnetic properties, Applied Surface Science, 491 (2019) 147-153. Impact Factor: 5.155, Q1 (Surfaces, Coatings and Films).
- R. Garcia-Diaz, María Teresa Romero de la Cruz, Raúl Ochoa Valiente, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, Gregorio Hernández Cocoletzi, DFT study for OH radical formation on SrTiO3(001) surface and the effect of Bi, Applied Surface Science, 487 (2019) 1394-1402. Impact Factor: 5.155, Q1 (Surfaces, Coatings and Films).
- Alejandro Noguerón, Héctor Noé Fernández-Escamilla, J. Guerrero-Sánchez, NoboruTakeuchi, Formaldehyde adsorption on a hydrogenated aluminum nitride monolayer: A self-propagated reaction, Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 1159 (2019) 18-22. Impact Factor 1.549, Q3 (Condensed Matter Physics, Physical and Theoretical Chemistry).
- J.P. Corbett, J. Guerrero-Sánchez, A.L. Richard, A.-O. Mandru, J.C. Gallagher, F. Yang, D.C. Ingram, N. Takeuchi, A.R. Smith*, Dislocation Structures, Interfacing, and Magnetism in the L10-MnGa on η⊥-Mn3N2 Bilayer, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A, 37 (2019) 031102. Impact Factor: 1.761. Q2 (Condensed Matter Physics).
- Emiliano Ventura-Macias*, J. Guerrero-Sánchez, J.P. Corbett, A.R. Smith, Noboru Takeuchi, Nitrogen-induced reconstructions on the Cr(001) surface, Applied Surface Science, 484 (2019) 578-586. Impact Factor: 5.155, Q1 (Surfaces, Coatings and Films).
- Rubí Zarmiento-García, J. Guerrero-Sánchez*, and Noboru Takeuchi, Functionalization of Silicene and Silicane with Benzaldehyde, Journal of Molecular Modeling, 25 (2019) 109. Impact Factor: 1.507. Q3 (Physical and Theoretical Chemistry).
- Gustavo Cuba-Supanta, J. Guerrero-Sánchez*, J. Rojas-Tapia, C.V. Landauro, and Noboru Takeuchi, Formaldehyde trapping by radical initiated reaction on hydrogenated boron nitride, Applied Surface Science, 484 (2019) 470-478. Impact Factor: 5.155, Q1 (Surfaces, Coatings and Films).
- H.N. Fernández-Escamilla, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, E. Martínez-Guerra, Noboru Takeuchi, Structural and Electronic Properties of Double Walled Black Phosphorene Nanotubes: A Density Functional Theory Study, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123 (2019) 7217–7224. Impact Factor: 4.536. Q1 (Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, Surfaces, Coatings and Films).
- J. Guerrero-Sánchez, Noboru Takeuchi, Francisco Zaera*, Density Functional Theory Study of the Surface Adsorption and Dissociation of Copper(I) Acetamidinates on Cu(110) Surfaces, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123 (2019) 4341-4348. Impact Factor: 4.536. Q1 (Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, Surfaces, Coatings and Films).
- J. Guerrero-Sánchez*, D.M. Munoz-Pizza, N. Takeuchi, Silicene as an efficient way to fully inactivate the SO2 pollutant, Applied Surface Science, 479 (2019) 847–851. Impact Factor: 5.155, Q1 (Surfaces, Coatings and Films).
- E. Contreras, D. Dominguez, H. Tiznado, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, N. Takeuchi, G. Alonso-Nunez, O.E. Contreras, M.T. Oropeza-Guzmán, J.M. Romo-Herrera*, N-Doped carbon nanotubes enriched with graphitic nitrogen in a buckypaper configuration as efficient 3D electrodes for oxygen reduction to H2O2, Nanoscale, 11 (2019) 2829-2839. Impact Factor: 7.233. Q1 (Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Materials Science).
- H.N. Fernández-Escamilla*, J. Guerrero-Sánchez, Reyes Garcia-Diaz, E. Martínez-Guerra, N. Takeuchi, Adsorption of dimethyl sulfoxide on blue phosphorene, Surface Science, Surface Science 680 (2019) 88–94. Impact Factor: 1.849, Q1 (Materials Chemistry).
- Reyes Garcia-Diaz*, J. Guerrero-Sánchez, Héctor Noé Fernández-Escamilla, Noboru Takeuchi, DFT study of the dimethyl sulfoxide reduction on silicene, Applied Surface Science 467–468 (2019) 261–267. Impact Factor: 5.155, Q1 (Surfaces, Coatings and Films).
- Y. Yao, J. Guerrero-Sánchez, Noboru Takeuchi, Francisco Zaera*, Coadsorption of Formic Acid and Hydrazine on Cu(110) Single-Crystal Surfaces, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123 (2019) 7584–7593. Impact Factor: 4.536. Q1 (Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, Surfaces, Coatings and Films)
- S.J. Gutierrez-Ojeda*, R. Garcia-Diaz, F. Sanchez-Ochoa, J. Guerrero-Sanchez, Leonardo Morales de la Garza, J. Varalda, D.H. Mosca, Gregorio H. Cocoletzi, Chromium nanostructure formation on the GaAs(1 1 1)–(2×2) surface: First principles studies, Applied Surface Science 455 (2018) 1078–1085. Impact Factor: 5.155, Q1 (Surfaces, Coatings and Films).
- J. Guerrero-Sánchez*, Noboru Takeuchi, Mn induced 1×2 reconstruction in the MnAl(001) surface, Journal of Crystal Growth, 489 (2018) 24–30. Factor de impacto: 1.751. Q2 (Condensed Matter Physics, Materials Chemistry).
- J. Guerrero-Sánchez*, Noboru Takeuchi, Formation of ferromagnetic/ ferrimagnetic epitaxial interfaces: Stability and magnetic properties, Computational Materials Science, 144 (2018) 294. Impact Factor: 2.644, Q1 (Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy).
- J.P. Corbett, J. Guerrero-Sánchez, A.L. Richard, D.C. Ingram, N. Takeuchi, A.R. Smith*, Surface structures of L10-MnGa(001) by scanning tunneling microscopy and first-principles theory, Applied Surface Science, 422 (2017) 985. Impact Factor: 5.155, Q1 (Surfaces, Coatings and Films).
- Emiliano Ventura-Macias*, J. Guerrero-Sánchez, Noboru Takeuchi, Formaldehyde adsorption on graphane, Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 1117 (2017) 119. Impact Factor: 1.549, Q3 (Condensed Matter Physics, Physical and Theoretical Chemistry).
- S.J. Gutierrez-Ojeda, J. Guerrero-Sánchez*, R. Garcia-Diaz, A. Ramirez-Torres, Noboru Takeuchi, Gregorio H. Cocoletzi, Zinc-blende MnN bilayer formation on the GaN(111) surface, Superlattices and Microstructures, 107 (2017) 189. Impact Factor: 2.123. Q2 (Condensed Matter Physics).
- J. Guerrero-Sánchez, Noboru Takeuchi, A. Reyes-Serrato*, Ab-initio study of ReCN in the bulk and as a new two dimensional material, Nature Scientific Reports, 7 (2017) 2799. Impact Factor: 4.259. Q1 (Multidisciplinary).
- J. Guerrero-Sánchez*, Noboru Takeuchi, Structural stability, electronic and magnetic properties of ferrimagnetic Mn4N(001) surfaces, Applied Surface Science, 407 (2017) 209. Impact Factor: 5.155, Q1 (Surfaces, Coatings and Films).
- J. Guerrero-Sánchez*, Formation of indium arsenide atomic wires on the In/Si(111)-4x1 surface, Superlattices and Microstructures, 103 (2017) 19. Impact Factor: 2.123. Q2 (Condensed Matter Physics).
- J. Guerrero-Sánchez*, M.L. Fuentes, F. Sánchez-Ochoa, Noboru Takeuchi, G.H. Cocoletzi, Nitrogen induced phosphorene formation on the boron phosphide (111) surface: a density functional theory study, RSC Adv., 6 (2016) 108621. Impact Factor: 3.108. Q1 (Chemistry).
- J. Guerrero-Sánchez*, Noboru Takeuchi, Antiferromagnetic MnN layer on the MnGa(001) surface, Applied Surface Science, 390 (2016) 328 (Perspective paper). Impact Factor: 5.155, Q1 (Surfaces, Coatings and Films).
- J. Guerrero-Sánchez*, Noboru Takeuchi, Formation of InN atomic-size wires by simple N adsorption on the In/Si(111)–(4×1) surface, Applied Surface Science, 385 (2016) 318. Impact Factor: 5.155, Q1 (Surfaces, Coatings and Films).
- J. Guerrero-Sánchez*, Gregorio H. Cocoletzi, J.F. Rivas-Silva, Noboru Takeuchi, Ab-initio study of the Y adsorption and YN formation on the GaN(000-1): Diffusion pathways and stability, Superlattices and Microstructures, 96 (2016) 67. Impact Factor: 2.123, Q2 (Condensed Matter Physics).
- J. Guerrero-Sánchez*, J. Castro-Medina, J.F. Rivas-Silva, Noboru Takeuchi, L. Morales de la Garza, J. Varalda, D.H. Mosca, G.H. Cocoletzi, Mn Adsorption on the GaAs(111)–(2×2)B Surface: First Principles Studies, Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie, 230 (2016) 943. Impact Factor: 1.012, Q3 (Chemistry)
- J. Guerrero-Sánchez*, A.-O. Mandru, Noboru Takeuchi, Gregorio H. Cocoletzi, A.R. Smith, Understanding the stability of the Fe incorporation on the Mn3N2 (001) surfaces: An ab-initio study, Applied Surface Science, 363 (2016) 651. Impact Factor: 5.155, Q1 (Surfaces, Coatings and Films).
- J. Guerrero-Sánchez*, Gregorio H. Cocoletzi, J.F. Rivas-Silva, Noboru Takeuchi, YN nanostructure formation on the GaN(0001) surface: First principles studies, Computational Materials Science, 106 (2015) 155. Impact Factor: 2.644, Q1 (Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy).
- J. Guerrero-Sánchez*, A.-O. Mandru, K. Wang, Noboru Takeuchi, G.H. Cocoletzi, A.R. Smith, Structural, electronic and magnetic properties of Mn3N2(001) surfaces, Applied Surface Science, 355 (2015) 623-630. Impact Factor: 5.155, Q1 (Surfaces, Coatings and Films).
- A.-O. Mandru, J. Pak, J. Guerrero-Sánchez, Noboru Takeuchi, Arthur R. Smith*, Interface Formation for a Ferromagnetic/Antiferromagnetic Bi-layer System Studied by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and First Principles Theory, Phys. Rev. B, 91 (2015) 94433. Impact Factor: 3.736. Q1 (Condensed Matter Physics)
- J. Guerrero-Sánchez*, F. Sánchez-Ochoa, Gregorio H. Cocoletzi, J.F. Rivas-Silva, Noboru Takeuchi, Ab-initio studies of the Sc adsorption and the ScN thin film formation on the GaN(000-1)-(2×2) surface, Thin Solid Films, 548 (2013) 317-322. Impact Factor: 1.879. Q2 (Surfaces, Coatings and Films).
- F. Sánchez-Ochoa*, J. Guerrero-Sánchez, Gabriel I. Canto, Gregorio H. Cocoletzi, Noboru Takeuchi, Density functional theory studies of the adsorption of hydrogen sulfide on aluminum doped silicane, Journal of Molecular Modeling, 19 (2013) 2925. Impact Factor: 1.425. Q3 (Physical and Theoretical Chemistry)
- J. Guerrero-Sánchez, G.H. Cocoletzi*, J.F. Rivas-Silva, Noboru Takeuchi, Initial stages of the adsorption of Sc and ScN thin films on GaN(0001): First principles calculations, Applied Surface Science, 268 (2013) 16-21. Impact Factor: 5.155, Q1 (Surfaces, Coatings and Films).